Financial NFTs will make it possible to take advantage of the opportunities for investing in funds linked to NALI Project.
There will also be funds and strategies related to the use of BOTs created on specific requirements for the NALI Project.
There will be two different solutions, the first which can be accessed by all NALI owners, while the second is dedicated to the Supreme Green Hands.
Solutions designed for all NALINES:
Allocate its resources in a pool managed on the basis of decisions taken by relative majority through the votes of the NAO.
Each pool that groups of users of the NAO will want to set up to achieve common purposes.
Opportunity to access, in shares, to solutions that pay continuous rewards (nodes, etc.).
Solutions designed exclusively for NALInes VIPs and Supreme Green Hands:
Take advantage of NALI’s front running BOTs (solution under development and testing)
Take advantage of NALI’s arbitrage BOTs (solution under development and testing)
Financial NFTs are a great innovation that NALI Project will bring to the DEFI world and to the NFT universe, they represent the future of the most used form of investment. Just think of the possibility of accessing funds that follow the strategies of the best traders in the world, or strategies voted by the NALI Project community. Each different strategy will be decided upon a vote by the NAO, with the simplicity of bringing capital to the fund, accessing and disposing of one’s share through an NFT. On some investment solutions it will be possible to decide whether to play the role of investor or lender, or both roles, paving the way to new fantastic investment and diversification strategies, even on the same product.
By merging capital, excluding any possibility of scam, there will also be the firepower to become WHALES on low market capitalization tokens, thus guiding the trend in the value of the token, which is impossible or extremely difficult if operating with single positions.
Last but not least, the exclusive possibility for NALINES VIPs and Supreme Green Hands to access and use the front running BOTs and arbitrage BOTs in the development and testing phase and which will be specific to NALI Project, without the fear of accessing unknown services, of dubious reputation and possible scams.
“The possibilities of financial NFTs are endless!”
Last updated